
Thursday, 1 September 2016

Welcome to year 5

Dear Parents and Guardians

I will keep you updated throughout the year on our Year 5 blog at  - please do take a look, you will find lots of information about Year 5 activities, homework, assemblies and trips as well as lots of photos of the students hard at work.
Your child will also bring home letters about various activities and events.  Please feel free to contact me by email if you have any questions or concerns.

Homework policyEvery day your child will receive approximately 30 minutes of either spelling, English, maths, topic-related, research or reading homework. Often the math homework will be online, using encourage your child to complete the homework on time, help and support when necessary, however please do not do the homework for them.

ReadingWe recommend that the children read every day at home. They will be given reading books, library books and a homework diary, which includes a reading contract for you and your child to sign. Please encourage your child to talk about the book as well as reading it aloud to you, this helps with their understanding and enjoyment.

Timetable Year 5 has a weekly timetable. Please take a look and make sure that your child brings their PE kit (including trainers) on Thursday, and swimming kit on Wednesday. Black shoes must be worn every day unless they have PE.

Kind regards
Miss Alivia Phillips

Term 1 learning: 

In term 1, Year 5 will be reading many non-fiction texts related to our topic.
Whole class text: How to train your dragon
Students will Identify text structures, characteristics and language features used in imaginative and persuasive texts. They will examine how ideas and points of view are conveyed through vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, objective and subjective language.
Students will navigate and read texts for specific purposes. They will apply processing strategies – predicting, confirming, monitoring, skimming, scanning. They will use comprehension strategies to analyse information linking ideas from a variety of digital sources.
Students will explain how the characteristics and language features meet the intended purpose. They will become aware of point of view – person’s voice within a text and to explain the impact on the reader. Explain why an author may choose a particular POV.
Students will Create texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters. Focus on structure, development of setting and characterisation. Use main and subordinate clauses to create complex sentences. Use realistic and fantasy settings from past experience. Describe and use similes, metaphors and sound imagery in texts. They will vary sentence beginnings to suit an intended message. Examine how events can be predicted by the beginning of sentences.

Students will work on solving problems using the four number operations (x÷+-), solving problems involving decimals and money, place value, positive, negative, square and prime numbers, ordering and comparing numbers, units of measure, describing and measuring shapes, understanding fractions and finding equivalent fractions.

Integrated Studies
In this topic students learn about our solar system, how the planet we live on, planet Earth is in space. They learn about how Earth has a moon and the relationship between the two. They also learn about what lies beyond the Solar System and learn about comets, asteroids and satellites. They look at how stars are born and die and how the atmosphere and surface differs across planets.
Students learn the history and progress of getting to the Moon and the current developments in getting people to Mars. They will become astronomers and learn about the invention of the telescope and constellations.
Students explore the properties of light and forces and other experiments. They build a Solar System model showing the relative sizes and distances apart of the planets from the Sun. They discuss why Pluto is no longer a planet. In art students create a nebula using various techniques.
The students will become good digital citizens and learn how to stay safe online. They will computers, ipads and laptops across the curriculum. Students will use computer graphics and animation increasingly to support their work and to inspire and create texts using both imaginative and real life experiences as a starting point. They will create collaborative presentations and posters, work on individual and shared writing on google documents, and undertake research projects online using the NASA website.